Easter eggs - Easter bouquet

On this page of Keramik-Handgemacht.de you will find a few examples of handmade easter decoration, pottery eggs in different colors with variable patterns. Easter eggs made of clay for your bouquet in your garden or inside the house. These, too, are a great gift idea for dear friends and neighbours!

I will gladly form these little beauties individually how you wish!
Osterstrauss und Ostereier aus Keramik - NR: 123
Osterstrauss - NR: 123

Easter eggs made of clay

basic color: natural / engobe colored on both sides in red,
blue, white, yellow, orange and others, by your wish
Size approx. 2 inches

Price for 6 eggs: 12.00 EUR
(dimensions are like here shown. If other size or version,
price as agreed)
Feel free to contact me and tell me your wishes and ideas about
color, size, ... and amount of easter eggs. Farben, Größe, Muster und Stückzahl der Ostereier mit.

I am looking forward to your request, to customize your
individual easter decoration!
stylischer Osterschmuck aus Keramik - NR: 122
Osterschmuck - NR: 122


  ο   Engel aus Ton als Baumanhänger zur Weihnachtsdekoration - NR: 159   ο   Käferwohnung aus Keramik   ο