Individually manufactured ceramic signs / herb plates made of clay

Spring will come for sure! The plant plates certainly are the new eyecatcher in your garden. It is the perfect present for grandma and grandpa, but of course, also for friends and other family members!
You choose the name of the plant or herb which will be shown on the herb plate that you can put near your plants or herbs in your garden or the flowerpot on your balcony.

The shown plant pins are just examples. Everything is poßible. The Latin description for the particular herbs/plants is also realizable, of course. Examples for that are: 'Allium ursinum' for 'wild garlic' or ''Mentha species' for 'Strawberry mint'.

Just send me an E-Mail with your personal ideas and I'll make the plant plates individually for you.
Kräuterschilder aus Keramik nach Ihrem Wunsch beschriftet - NR: 112
Kräuterschilder aus Keramik - NR: 112

Herb plates by choice

Font color by your choice: blue, green, black, red
Sign color: white
Height approx.: 6 inches
The plates are weather proof, of course.

Price each: 5.40 EUR
5 and more plates ordered, Price each: 4.90 EUR

Herb plates / natural

The name plates can be ordered
completelynatural or in natural with
white font.
Height approx.: 6 inches
these are also weather proof

Price each: 5.40 EUR
5 and more plates ordered, Price each: 4.90 EUR
Kräuterschilder nach Wunsch mit Kräuternamen beschriftet - NR: 113
Kräuterschilder f. Garten & Balkon - NR: 113


  ο   garten dekoration keramikwurm - NR: 144  - VERKAUFT   ο   Ton Kantenhocker als Namensgeschenk Schutzengel Keramik - NR: 175 - VERKAUFT   ο